This is one of the Fitwa issued by Amir Abdurahman in 1892. against
6th AUGUST 1892, KABUL -
Translation of a letter addressed by His Highness the Amir to the Suni
Mullas and preachers of Afghanistan.
Let it be known to all the respectable Mullas
and preachers authorised to say prayers on Friday in the mosques that the infidels, namely, the Shias, who, at the instigation
of those devils, the priests, have thought fit to abuse the Khalifas, are also living in Afghanistan. The fact of their observing
such a faith is due to their ignorance of the true religion, for if they had any knowledge or understanding, they would not,
for the sake of their affection for their spiritual guide (Ali), have abused the fathers-in-law and friends of the Prophet,
and would not have used such abuse as a method of worship, and they would not have proved their friendship to be the friendship
of the bear.Under the circumstances it is proper for a wise king to warn those of his subjects who have gone astray, and to
induce them by way of advice and exhortation to abandon the false faith, and follow the true path of Islam. If their infidelity
is due to their ignorance, they ought to grasp the true facts of a true religion. After this they will remain happy, but if
they persist in their false faith, they should all be put to death, and their property confiscated in accordance with the
divine doctrine and the precepts of the Prophet. I have, therefore with a view to bring this stray flock to the true faith,
ordered that they should be preached to and exhorted to give up their false religion. If they do not listen to the advice
and preaching of the Sunis, it will be absolutely necessary that they should be put to death. Those Sunis, who will not act
willingly in this matter, will also be counted infidels. I have printed and sent you several notifications, containing the
orders and precepts to be read to the Shias. What you have now to do is, after the prayer on Friday when all the people are
collected together, to ascend the pulpit and read out with as much eloquence as you are capable of, and explain the meaning
of the precepts of the Prophet contained therein. All present in the mosque should be given clearly to understand the real
meaning of the notification. When this has been done, the Friday prayers should be read, and the usual sermon preached. The
reading out of this notification should be considered as an essential part of the worship on Friday. Those Mullas, who neglect
to invariably read out the notification on Friday, will be dismissed from their posts. Further, those who are unable to read
Arabic or Persian fluently, should not be permitted to perform the duties of a Mulla; the Kazi of the place and the Hakim
of the district should examine all the Mullas and preachers, and distribute the notifications to those only who are fully
qualified to read them out. A receipt from the preacher should be obtained for the notification in his possession. All Mullas
in possession of these notifications should keep them carefully, and in order that the paper on which they are written should
not be easily torn or destroyed, a piece of cloth should be affixed to the back of it to prevent its being easily worn out.
Source: Hazaras in the view of British Diaries
( Un published book )